• Boom Lift LOLER Inspections

  • According to the LOLER (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998), thorough examinations of boom lifts must be conducted at least every six months. These inspections are designed to ensure that the equipment remains safe and compliant with regulatory standards.

    The thorough examination evaluates several key areas of the boom lift, including:

    Structural Integrity: Ensuring the boom lift's framework is sound and free from defects.

    Safe Operation: Verifying the correct operation of all functions, including emergency lowering systems.

    Wear and Tear: Inspecting all components for wear to ensure they are within acceptable limits and free from defects.

    Compliance with Standards: Confirming that the boom lift meets the legislation under which it was manufactured, such as the CE marking.

  • At AFI, our fully qualified engineers are trained to conduct LOLER inspections and carry out all necessary checks to ensure your boom lift is fully compliant with LOLER regulations.

    As part of the thorough examination, the following areas are inspected:

    Corrosion and Metal Condition: Excessive corrosion can weaken the metal structure and must be repaired before the boom lift is operational.

    Battery Maintenance: Batteries are checked to ensure efficient use, including water levels, terminal condition, and connectors. Any signs of fraying, damage, or corrosion are addressed.

    Tyres and Wheels: Tyres are inspected to confirm sufficient tread depth, preventing the boom lift from slipping or losing traction.

    Hydraulic Systems: The hydraulic system is checked for leaks, low pressure, worn seals, and any damaged or twisted hoses. Exposed wires are also examined, as they may be vulnerable to water damage and corrosion.

    Basket Condition: The basket is checked for wear and tear, and all fall protection systems such as guardrails and harness anchor points are inspected. The safe working load is verified to match the manufacturer’s specifications.

    Safety Locks and Interlocks: Locks and interlocks that prevent the platform from operating if safety features are compromised are thoroughly inspected.

    Control Switches: The control switches are tested to ensure they function correctly and that the platform can be safely lowered without issues.

    These checks ensure your boom lift operates safely and complies with all LOLER requirements.