• Chapter 8 Compliance

  • Chapter 8 - Van Mounted Cherry Picker Hire

    Chapter 8 of the Traffic signs Manual (Traffic Safety Measures & Signs for Road Works & Temporary Situations) was issued by the Department of Transport. It provides guidelines for companies operating on public highways on a range of issues - including High Visibility Markings.


    Chapter 8 compliant van mounted cherry picker

    All our van mounts available for hire are fitted with Chapter 8 rear chevrons, complying with the Department of Transport (DfT) best practice recommendations.

  • FAQs about Chapter 8

    What is Chapter 8?

    The use of Chapter 8 compliant vehicle livery is considered DfT best practice. It is recommended that any vehicles stopping on UK roads for works or inspection purposes should be Chapter 8 compliant. It is intended to provide a standard of good practice and is considered as the minimum requirement, which should always be achieved.

    Who does Chapter 8 affect?

    It affects any operator of large or small vehicles from HGV's to road maintenance trucks, small vans and cars that intentionally stop for work or inspection purposes on high speed roads.

  • Is Chapter 8 a legal status?

    Chapter 8 is not legislation, however by not complying with these guidelines you are leaving yourself open to potential legal actions should an accident happen involving your fleet.

    Chapter 8 may be considered as representing what is reasonably practicable for the enforcement of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 where employers have duties towards both employers and members of the public; and associated regulations.

    Chapter 8 sets out a code of practice to enable the legal requirements to be met in a wide variety of circumstances. Although it has no statutory force (except in Northern Ireland where an authorised officer for the Department may deem it to have such force).

  • What are Chapter 8 Regulations?

    The Chapter 8 Regulations are codes of practice in place that are intended to help you to safely carry out signing, lighting and guarding of street works and road works on all highways and roads.

    The Chapter 8 regulations were created by the Dft and can be found in the Traffic Signs Manual guide for traffic signs and management.